In March this year The InDependent Spouse undertook a little re-brand to become The Milspo Business Network – here’s why.
This letter was sent to all members in March 2020.
Hello you lovely lot,
I have some exciting news!
As you know, way back in 2018 The InDependent Spouse podcast started as a little passion-project, run, from the spare room of my married quarter, alongside my design business. It was an extension of the work I had done since 2016 with Forces Enterprise Network, and it was my way of showcasing some amazing military spouse business owners. As the podcast series gained popularity (hitting 6,200 downloads this week!), the idea developed into the business support platform that you see today, to connect, network and support each other…the only thing that didn’t quite work for me was the name.
For a long time now I have felt that ‘The InDependent Spouse’ didn’t completely encompass just how brilliant and diverse we as a community of military partners actually are. I hate missing out and didn’t want anyone to feel the same. I wanted to find a new name for us ALL. A name that means that we can all feel included and use this platform no matter our relationship status – because, after all, we all feel the challenges of this modern military life.
And so, starting from today you’ll start to see some changes to The InDependent Spouse.
Welcome to The Milspo Business Network™!
The Milspo Business Network™ is a global network that supports ALL UK military spouses, partners and other-halves to build the business of their dreams. Using digital solutions to provide valid and functional training, networking and access to a community not limited by location. A network to help inspire this often isolated but inspirational community living the ‘magnolia walled life’ and running their own business.
This new name reflects the modern military and literally means MILitary Spouses, Partners and Other-halves = MILSPO.
The Americans use this term a lot, but mostly as a short version of ‘military spouse’. I think, with the addition of partners and other-halves it helps include so many more of us. After all, why limit those you can connect with?
The Milspo Business Network™ is a community of entrepreneurs meeting in-person, online, and in between to change the conversation around entrepreneurial military ‘plus ones’. We are leveraging our military experience to become effective business leaders to show the world just how capable we are.
Through virtual meet-ups, annual events, workshops, and resources, we’re growing in our shared experiences and championing our peers to achieve their own dreams.
But what about The InDependent Spouse?
Don’t worry, The InDependent Spouse will live on, but purely as a podcast series. It was how it started and will be how it remains.
The support will continue. There will still be the monthly Virtual Networking sessions, the Ask the Expert training videos, and of course the lovely Facebook Community – they’ll just be using the new name, Milspo.
The website address will be changing soon – once I have worked out how to change the URL?! – along with the social media handles and the community group name.
I know this might make it a bit confusing for a little while, but I know in the long run it’ll be worth it to properly support everyone who in their own way supports their serving partner. I hope you love it as much as I do.
And now the bit where you come in…
Milspo owned businesses should not be limited by location or disadvantaged by living a transient ‘Magnolia Wall Life’.
I believe connecting this inspiring network is crucial to help build healthy businesses that empower Milspo’s to flourish. So let’s do just that. You are now a founding member of the Milspo Business Network! Congratulations.
If you follow this link, you’ll find some snazzy logos that you can use to show others that you are a member. Maybe you want to create some social media posts around it, or even pop it on your website.
To make it easier you could just copy and paste this for Instagram and Facebook…
I am very excited to be a founding member of The Milspo Business Network™, and that by supporting military spouses, partners and other-halves I am helping my community build businesses they can be proud of #SupportOurSpouses #BusinessLeaderFirst #Mispo #MilspoBN
Or for twitter – just Tweet this –
And, if you do know any amazing Milspo’s, do invite them to join the Facebook community.
I hope you are just as excited about this as me and understand the importance of this change. I’ll be back soon with more updates, but don’t forget the next Virtual Networking is happening on the 11th March, 10.30am and 7.30pm – and you can still register here.
Have an amazing week,
Jess x